- ¿Sabes para qué sirve una rutina?
- Para no olvidarte de hacer las cosas, para que después te cuesten menos. Para crear hábitos
- Por ejemplo, ¿para acordarme todos los días de coger las llaves, o para aguantar al capullo de mi jefe o para hacer la comida todas las mañanas?
- Por ejemplo, sí.
- ¿Y es eso lo que pasa cuando se nos establece a nosotros una rutina?
- No comprendo.
- Quiero decir, entonces, ¿hemos establecido una rutina para no olvidarnos de querernos? ¿Acaso tendría que suponernos un esfuerzo llegar a casa, dejar la cartera y lanzarnos el uno en brazos del otro? ¿Tiene que ser una costumbre decirte que te quiero? Miro a las parejas de gente mayor y pienso que su cariño es más fuerte que ninguno; pero, ¿y la pasión? ¿y el amor?
- Nadie ha dicho que las rutinas sean perfectas.
- Desde luego, son una verdadera mierda.
Wenesday morning at five o' clock as the day begins, silently closing her bedroom door, leaving the note that she hoped would say more. She goes downstairs to the kitchen, clutching her handkerchief. Quietly turning the backdoor key. Stepping outside, she is free. She... (we gave her most of our lives) ...is leaving... (sacrified most of our lives) ...home (we gave her everything money could buy). She's leaving home after living alone for so many years. Bye, bye... Father snores as his wife gets into her dressing grown, picks up the letter that's lying there, standing alone at the top of the stairs. She breaks down and cries to his husband: "Daddy, our baby's gone. Why would she treat us so thoughtlessly? How could she do this to me?" She... (we never thought of ourselves) ...is leaving... (never a thought for ourselves) ...home (we struggled hard all our lives to get by) She's leaving home after living alone for so many years. Bye, bye... Friday morning at nine o'clock, she is far away. Waiting to keep the appointment she made, meeting a man from the Motortrade. She... (what did we do that was wrong?) ...is having... (we did not know it was wrong...) ...fun (fun is the one thing that money can't buy) Something inside that was always denied, for so many years. Bye, bye... She is leaving home, bye, bye.
"Tenemos una forma diferente de ver las cosas, supongo. Ya sabes: yo, por ejemplo, soy más de pomelo mientras que a ti te gusta el mango."